Wednesday 27 July 2011

Does Buying Protection Against US Default in the Form of a CDS constitute an Anti-Patriotic Act of Supreme Rationality?

1. Is there such a thing as rational terrorism in the the financial markets? I'd say no. Markets should be left to their own devices, otherwise they tend to bite the arm off of their supposed masters. Let us not try to be too cunning when it comes to the US DEFAULT scenarios. If the markets don't see a realistic plan for BUDGET DEFICIT reduction that can simply be translated into NATIONAL DEBT reduction (please God teach the US Senators, Congressmen and President to use the same interest rate, years, and future values in their NET PRESENT VALUE calculations!) so the biggest systemic risk in the world today does not go crazy by July 28th (technical default coming for sure) and by August 15th (when the US really runs out of money to pay its bills). End of Prayer. Look at the chart below.


The chart means that US Debt is now the target of the speculative short bets. It scores higher than Greece, Italy, Spain. Translated into the Queen's English: Obama and Boehner looking over each other's shoulders, saying simultaneously, "I say, wee Jock, we are in a spot of trouble."

Remember the Market has not yet PANICKED because it cannot believe that the people's elected officials of the Republic are acting like squabbling children of the spoiled Empire.

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